Cigarette Butts & Sonny's Blues - Toward an Emergent Theology of Sacraments and Worship
Several years ago, in the midst of setting up the church sanctuary for the "emergent" worship gathering that I led at the time, I was confronted by a church member who didn't understand the concept of hands-on worship. She attended the traditional worship service at the church where I was serving as associate pastor. Our alternative worship service, which met one evening a week, utilized multi-sensory worship stations to enable people to experience God in new ways. She wasn't digging it at all. "What does an art table have to do with church?" she asked. "Why do you need all of these candles? Is it really necessary to make such a mess in the house of God--a mess that someone else has to clean up?" (reality check: I was the one who cleaned it up each week) She then went on to point out some wax on the carpet from melting candles and the chalk dust in another part of the floor from one of our art tables. She warned of the dangers of the wa...