Jesus Saves..and Saves...and Saves...
In her recent book "An Altar in the World," Barbara Brown recalls a time when she was invited to speak at a church, and asked the priest what his suggestions were for a topic. "Tell us what is saving your life right now." he told her. Lately, I have been asking myself that same question. "What is saving my life right now?" I'm developing a new understanding on what it means to receive God's salvation that is not based solely on one defining moment of surrender, but on a thousand or more of them. I am learning that the question so many Christians ask those they assume who are unChristian needs to be refined by this understanding. Rather than asking, "Are you saved?" we need to be asking, "How are you being saved?" "What is saving your life right now?" God is saving my life right now through stolen moments of peace, conversations and rest, hope that comes with notes of affirmation from people who offer me their mini...