Just Tell The Story
It's nearly Christmas Eve. I have been doing my best to cram two sermon preps into one afternoon, but I am losing that battle. I've been thinking a great deal about what I will say tomorrow night. My wife tells me that it should be a good sermon because there are so many visitors who will be there for the first time. No pressure. Several years ago when I was in seminary I took a Preaching class. It wasn't a bad class as seminary Preaching classes go, but they did force us to read our sermons from a manuscript. I told the professor then that I was not, nor would ever be the kind of preacher who read a sermon. I thought that reading a sermon did violence to the art of sermonizing. I argued that we weren't delivering an academic paper (he disagreed) and then I went on to equate listening to preachers read their sermons with other exciting things like watching paint dry or grass grow. When I was finished, he sort of looked at me...