Finish Strong
Jesus Triumphal Entry by William Collins This Sunday is Palm Sunday. There is a traditional sort of Palm Sunday sermon that I want to preach. It's the one where I challenge my listeners to ponder the fact that the same people who cheered Jesus when he rode into Jerusalem at the beginning of Passover were shouting "Crucify!" the following Friday. And then I would say, "We are no different, you and I. We cheer Jesus when we think he's going to fit our little mold, when we think he's going to solve all our problems and give us what we want. But when we see that Jesus isn't the kind of Messiah we want, we turn on him." That is a good sermon. I can't ignore the presence of that message in the narratives of the Triumphal Entry. Take a look at the painting above, for instance. What do you see that is unusual about it? It looks as though Jesus is entering into a cathedral, doesn't it? I love this painting. It reminds us that we st...