Left, Right & Christ - A Book Review/Recommendation
During this hotly contested national election, it has occurred to me more than once that our nation has become what some might characterize as "hopelessly divided." Cable news channels routinely pit guests with opposing views against one another while a supposedly neutral talking head "moderates" their discussion. It's all carefully scripted to make sure that the viewers get to see what they want to see. Television plays to its intended audience. If you are liberal and you want to see conservatives get trounced on air 24/7, tune in to MSNBC . If you are conservative and you like to see liberals get their comeuppance, watch Fox News . And so it goes. So how do Christians fit into all of this division? Aren't we supposed to be "one in Christ?" The fact of the matter is that we aren't. Christians are just as hopelessly divided as anyone else, and both liberal and conservative Christians claim to have the authoritative interpretation...