Radiant Expectation
This sermon will be the very first preached at Radiant - a new worship gathering for young adults that is being launched by my church on August 26th... I've attended thousands of church services in hundreds of churches, listened to more than my share of youth talks, Sunday school lessons and whatnot, not to mention all of the chapel services I attended at the Christian schools I went to, and I can't even begin to tell you how many of them included a moment where the pastor or preacher would preface whatever they were about to tell me with these words... "The Bible says..." The trouble with beginning our conversations about faith, God , Jesus and Christianity with those words is that they have a way of coming back on us. "The Bible says..." a lot of things. And one thing I've discovered over the years is that not many Christians I know came to know Jesus because they were blown away by the words, "The Bible says..." Now, don'...