Daily Devotion - Wednesday, January 27, 2016

This past Sunday my beloved Denver Broncos won their conference championship game against the New England Patriots, which sent them to Super Bowl 50.  Since that time, I wake up each day reading online articles about the game preparations, stories about my team and the like. 

I also have watched more than my fair share of the NFL Network and ESPN on television, eager for more stories, eager to hear things that will boost my confidence that the Broncos actually do have a chance to win it all this year. 

This is the eighth time the Broncos have made it to the Super Bowl, and the second time in the past three years.  In all of the other games that have been played since I have been able to remember, I've cared very little about the game itself.  I haven't watched sports shows, listened to the radio, or read online constantly about the game. 

Because when my team wasn't in the game, when I wasn't invested in it, I didn't care.  I was only interested in the TV commercials, which typically are the most innovative and creative commercials of the year--almost entirely due to the vast audience of people who will be watching.  And, depending on the artist performing, I was always eager to watch the halftime show.  But that was about it. 

When you aren't invested in something, it's hard to be passionate about it. 

The Christian life is not that dissimilar, to be honest.  If you want to follow Jesus completely, and experience the fullness of all that living for him has to offer, then you can't be a casual fan.  You have to be all in.  You have to be invested in the outcome. 

The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:24, "Do you not know that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the price.  So run to win!"  I love this.  Paul is basically saying, "You can't just jog along at your own pace, and expect to get a trophy in this race of life.  You have to train, you have to prepare, you have to be all in and run to win the race." 

If you want the most out of your life with Jesus, then you have to be invested.  You have to put the time into your spiritual growth to learn everything that you can about being a sold-out follower of Jesus and not just a casual fan. 

What are you going to do today to step more fully into your relationship with Jesus?  Focus your energy on prayer, spend some time today talking to God, journaling, reading your Bible (even if it's on your phone), fellowship with friends, do some good in the world. 

And may you be invested in the only things in life that truly matter--a life lived in humble service to the King of Kings, and for the greater good of his children.  May you discover passion that you did not know existed within you for the things that stir the heart of Christ.  And may his grace and peace be with you now an always.  Amen. 


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