Savior Song

My littlest boy is excited.  

Yesterday we read that there were only "11 more sleeps" until Christmas.  

He ran through the house like a crazy person last night before it was time for bed.  From where I was downstairs at the time, it sounded like a herd of cattle being taken to market.  

Meanwhile, my middle son could be heard in his room practicing his trumpet as he prepared for the Christmas band concert at school tonight.  

There was a rhythm to all the noise in the house--a song of sorts that seemed to be playing as we moved together through Advent.  

This song exists all around us all of the time, I'm learning.  The song of the Savior, singing in the ordinary, the mundane.  A song that can be heard in the sounds of life around us.  

However most of us miss this song because we are too busy, or too frazzled to hear anything more than our own jumbled and jaded thoughts.  We often miss hearing the Savior singing because our ears are filled with the noise of our troubled and hurried world. 

But we were meant to not only hear the Savior's song, but to find ways to sing along, to make it our own.  

Author and pastor Frederick Buechener offered up some advice that rings true during this season of expectation, when it's far too easy for us to miss out on the song that's being sung over us.  He writes: 

"Listen to the slamming of the screen door.  Listen to the patter of feet walking back up the path.  Listening to the turning of a tap in the tub, because that is in a very profound and touching way the music of your life.  It is the song out of time that sings to you."

May you hear the song of the Savior, who is coming.  May your spirit be filled with the thrill of His music.  And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen. 


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