What The Pharisees Can Teach Us
Sometimes it feels like the dominant voices in cultural Christianity these days seem to be espousing the very kinds of beliefs and practices that Jesus himself warned against. In the first century, members of the ancient Jewish sect known as the Pharisees were not always uniform in their interpretations of the Torah, but they were united under one common banner: the notion that God would only bless God's people if God's people were faithful. And by faithful, they meant faithfully adhering to the 613 rules in the Torah, as well as a host of additional rules that were tacked on for good measure. They also believed that the blessings of God would never fully fall upon Israel unless the entire nation kept the rules, and returned to more traditional beliefs, and practices. So the Pharisees spent a lot of time policing what other people were doing and calling them on the carpet when they perceived faithlessness was afoot. Jesus described the Pharisees like this: They t...