

1) the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi 
the festival commemorating the Epiphany on January 6.
2) a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something
3) an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking
4) an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure

Today is Epiphany--the beginning of a liturgical season within the Church that will last almost until Lent in late February.  

It's the day we commemorate the Journey of the Magi, the "kings" from the East who followed a beckoning star that would eventually lead them to Bethlehem and to the Christ.  

It's also a day when those of us who embrace the story of Jesus, are reminded of just how incredible it is to recognize the light of Christ in the world, and to be transformed by it.  

And to realize that any journey toward that light is a pursuit worth taking up.  

I  was thinking this morning about the many times in my life where I  have become aware of the Light and presence of the universal and eternal Christ all  around me.  

I  have seen the Light at the bedsides of those who were dying... 
I  have seen the Light on the joy-filled face of a woman who finally escaped an abusive relationship with her three kids...
I have seen the Light in the midst of Spirit-filled worship services in my church...
I  have seen the Light when people come together to do what they can to solve the big problems of this world... 
I have seen the Light all around me, in me and through me when I  gaze up at the stars, marvel at the sunlight shining through the trees in a forest or the beauty of a gathering storm...  

Sometimes it feels like the Light of Christ is so close... so very, very close.  

I  read this line from something C.S. Lewis wrote, and I wrote it down to think about it more deeply.  I love what it says to me today:  
It was as though the voice which had called to me from the world's end were now speaking at my side.  it was with me in the room, or in my own body, or behind me. It seemed to have always been with me; if I  could ever have turned my head quick enough I  should have seized it.
May you experience Epiphany today in marvelous and miraculous ways.  May you see the Light of Christ in the most surprising and beautiful moments.  May you be overwhelmed by the presence of a God that so very, very close.  

And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen.  


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