Seeing Yourself In A True Story

My youngest son Jacob rescued a baby bird the other day. He was biking home from school and discovered the injured little bird in the middle of the road. Most likely the little bird had been booted out of the nest because it had enough feathers to fly, but wasn't doing it very well, and ended up in the middle of the road where it would have likely perished. Jacob carried the bird home and found a bucket to put it in, and then he put a small tree branch, and paper towels in there, too. He moistened strips of turkey that looked like worms and fed the bird as well. I found out that he'd gone on the internet to find out what to do with the little bird, and how to feed him. It was pretty impressive. We later contacted a wildlife rescue organization and took the bird to them so that his foot could be treated, and he would be able to recover and return to the wild. Jacob was sad for a moment when he heard, but then he brightened...