No Perfect Churches
I had to come to grips with something many years ago as I was entering my second decade of serving in various leadership roles within the Church: The perfect church doesn't exist. It doesn't. No matter how hard you might try to find the perfect faith community, you won't. The best you can do is try to find one where you feel a sense of belonging, which, as it turns out, is infinitely more important than belief. Beliefs change. Belonging lasts. And I'm using the word "church" here because that's the terminology that is close to my own journey. You might have a different name for it, and that's perfectly all right. All those years ago when I began processing the whole "no-perfect-church" notion, an idea formed in my head and it never left. In fact, I've been propelled forward by that idea for a long time now, and it has proved to be both costly and unbelievably rewarding. This is typically the ...