So Long, Farewell (For Now)

Well, my friends---this is it: my final Daily Devo until after Labor Day.  

As many of you know, I will be going on a sabbatical (my first ever in 20 years of ministry) for the summer, which means that I'm taking a break from all of my pastoral duties, including writing the Daily Devos each weekday. 

I toyed with the idea of setting something up so that they would continue in my absence, but it flew in the face of what I'm trying to do for the next three months: rest, rejuvenate and reflect. 

I'll be doing some traveling to the United Kingdom, spending time with family as much as I can, and at some point moving my middle son to the University of Arkansas.  

I'm also taking a solo trip in my Jeep out west, that will include a three-day stop at Ghost Ranch retreat center in New Mexico.  And I'll be winding things up in late August with a silent retreat at a Benedictine monastery on the coast of California. 

I plan on reconnecting with old friends, spending some time with new ones, journalling and meditating, working on household projects, watching movies, playing some golf, and finishing a book I've been working on entitled Love God, Love Everybody. 

And there's going to be a smattering of rock and roll shows as well, as you might have guessed.  

The past two years of leading my church through a global pandemic, a cataclysmic snowstorm, seismic shifts in racial strife, deep divisions in our culture, and the pain of national tragedies has left me pretty tired. 

I plan on being the Lead Pastor at Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church for some time to come, and I want to continue writing as well, which means I'm long overdue for a break.  I'm grateful to be able to take it. 

If you begin your day by reading the Daily Devo, there's a way that you can continue to hear my voice if you want to keep doing it, in spite of the fact that I won't be writing them for a while. 

I recently wrote a book filled with Daily Devos, and I also have a book that I wrote in 2012 that is filled with inspirational essays as well. 

If you don't already have them, you can pick up one or both at the link I'm providing below.  

Blessings to you all, and thank you for your support.  I'll look forward to beginning again in the Fall!  

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen. 

You can find the links to purchase all of my books here:


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