Merry Christmas From The Daily Devo!


It's Christmas Day, and I wish every one of my subscribers, readers, and anyone who happens upon the Daily Devo from social media, my blog, or a share from a friend a Merry Christmas!

It is a true pleasure to share my thoughts and reflections each weekday with all of you, and it is a great comfort and encouragement to me to know that you are reading them.  

I'll take a few days off until the end of the year, so don't worry when you don't see the Daily Devo emails appearing in your inbox for a bit.  

I also want to share with you some exciting news! 

My latest book Love God, Love Everybody: How To Become A Great Commandment Community is nearly finished after over a year of writing and editing and should be ready for publication at the end of January!  

This book is dear to me because it is not only a study of the Great Commandment, which is the inspiration for my church's vision to Love God, Love Everybody, but it's also the story of how those words have changed my life, as well as the community of faith I'm privileged to serve.  

I'm also nearly finished with another book I hope to publish in the Summer of 2023, entitled Ordinary Time.  This is another collection of my Daily Devos from the past several years, which you'll be able to read, enjoy, and share.  

I'll also be doing some teaching in the coming year, including Zoom classes that anyone from anywhere can attend.  Stay tuned for announcements on those as well! 

In addition, I've got some plans for a series of videos on Tik Tok that should also make their way to Instagram and Facebook on various topics, including some of the significant issues we face in our culture and faith.  

I'm excited about this new year and all that it will bring!  Thank you for being a part of the journey and for continuing to engage in the work I love to do.  You are all a real blessing to me! 


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