How Prayer Works
I saw an interesting post the other day on one of my social media feeds from an atheist influencer I follow. That last line might seem confusing to you, and you might be wondering why a Christian pastor would follow an atheist on social media. The fact is, I follow a lot of atheist influencers, as well as a few atheist groups. I do so for many reasons, most of which have to do with my own curiosity. First, I want to hear from people who don't believe the same things I do about faith and religion and to think more deeply about their beliefs and ideas that differ from mine. Secondly, more often than not, I actually agree with them about several things. For example, their rants against the ills of bad religion and an imaginary, judgmental God who delights in eternal punishment for those who don't measure up are similar to mine. Years ago, I fired that awful, angry, judgemental God. But the post that caught my eye said, "There are...