You Are The Resurrection & The Life

As we near the end of the Season of Easter in the historic Church calendar, I thought I would reflect one last time on the implications of Easter Sunday and the Resurrection. 

And this time, I want to explore a revolutionary notion.  

I am beginning to understand that Jesus' claim of being "the Resurrection and the Life" is also imbued to those who follow him.   In other words, we have the power of Resurrection and Life within us.  

To some folks, this might seem a bit "out there" to take on the very identity of Jesus, but if you think about it, taking on Jesus' identity has always been the calling of Jesus' followers. 

That's what being a "disciple" meant when Jesus called the twelve followers who chose to leave everything and learn from him for the three years of his earthly ministry.  

A disciple is someone who seeks to do everything that their teacher, rabbi, guru, or leader is doing.  They believe so strongly that they can do this; they devote themselves to making it happen. 

Why do you think the Apostle Peter thought he could walk on water like Jesus?  Because that's what a disciple would do.  The only thing that stood in his way was his own fear of sinking. 

So doesn't it stand to reason that you and I can be Resurrection and Life in the world where Jesus intends us to serve?

Author Matthew Fox thinks so.  I recently read this great quote from him that speaks directly to what I'm saying: 

Yes, I am, yes, we are, the Resurrection and the Life. We bring aliveness and rebirth and plenty of hope into the world, however [distressing] the news becomes. That is what it means to believe in Easter Sunday and the Resurrection. We become Resurrection and the Life. Christ rises anew. 

This is something familiar, even though it might seem like it.  The Apostle Paul drew some exciting connections between us and the Risen Christ.  In his letter to the Romans, Paul said: 

"If we join Christ in a death like his, doesn't it stand to reason that we would share in a Resurrection like his?"  

The implications of Paul's words are more grounded in the present than you might imagine.  He wasn't just talking about resurrection as a future happening, but something that can happen now, in the present.  

You and I can serve as living, breathing reminders of Christ's Resurrection when we bring "aliveness and rebirth and plenty of hope into the world," no matter what is happening around us.  

The world needs a word of hope right about now, and you and I can bring it if we are willing to become what we are meant to be: Resurrection and Life.  

So as this Season of Easter comes to a close, carry the hope of the Resurrection and the Life within you.  Do all you can to be so much like Jesus that people recognize his spirit within you.  

And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen.  


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