
Grace and Peace, Daily Devo Readers!

I want to share some news and give you some updates on things I've been working on recently! 

First, I'll take a short hiatus from writing and sending Daily Devos in July.  After my sabbatical last summer, I realized that it's essential for me to take care of myself better, and one of the ways I can do that is by taking some extended time off at least once a year. 

I'll be attending a short retreat, spending time with family, making some quick trips, reconnecting with old friends and colleagues, reading, journaling, and using some time away to begin writing the new book I'm working on!

This new book project is one that I'm very excited about.  I'll be writing about the essential beliefs of Christian Fundamentalism and the effects those beliefs have had on our culture, which I believe have led to the deep divisions we see around us today. 

The book will draw on some of my experiences growing up in the Christian Fundamentalist world, and it will be, at times, light-hearted, revealing, and hope-filled.  

You see, I believe Christianity in America is at a crossroads.  We are experiencing a Reformation that is happening right before us, and we need to understand what is at stake in the future.  I have hope for the Church and want that to be a huge part of this next book. 

I have also started posting sermon snippet videos on all my socials.  You can find them on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.  I'll provide the links to all those below so you can follow me if you don't already. 

If you read the Daily Devo as part of your daily practice, don't despair!  You can pivot over to the collection of Daily Devos I published a couple of years ago, Daily Offerings. You can find the link to my Amazon author's page by clicking HERE

If you don't have a copy, I've provided the link below for you to pick one up. If you are in Austin, you can always contact our church office, and they can help you get a copy; we have some on hand.  The email to do that is church@shpc.org

I want to thank you again for all the love and support you give me daily.  So many of you take the time to respond to Devos that speak to you, and I can't tell you how much that means to me.  

You are all in my thoughts every time I sit down to write, and I am humbled and grateful for you.  

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, now and forever. Amen.  


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