Jesus Calling on Trial

In 2004, a therapist named Sarah Young wrote a book that would sell close to 50 million copies.  That book was Jesus Calling, a daily devotional that read like Jesus was inspiring you daily with words of encouragement and comfort.  

While the words that Jesus spoke in Young's devotional were not quotes from Scripture, they were drawn from it. Young used her imagination to assume what Jesus might be saying to his followers today. 

I recall being asked by a parishioner about this devotional many years ago, and my response then is the same today. I told them that for me personally, the devotional didn't really work, but I was not so obtuse that I couldn't see the book's value.  

I also told them that the devotions were super positive and encouraging and that the author was undoubtedly fully aware that they weren't speaking for Jesus per se. 

However, she was also doing her best to keep each of the daily readings within the lane of grace, peace, love, and hope, which was totally in line with Jesus' teachings and example.  

Many conservative evangelicals lambasted the book, but the truly blistering critiques came from Young's own denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).  

One PCA critic of the book was Kathy Keller, wife of PCA icon Rev. Tim Keller. She called Jesus Calling an "evasion" of the Bible and added, “If you want to experience Jesus, learn how to find him in his Word—his real Word.”

Young passed away in 2023, but the critics still abound.  In fact, one such critic managed to bring Young to trial, so to speak, within the PCA.  

An unemployed teacher with an axe to grind against both the book and Young brought charges of heresy against Young and her work, claiming: 

“The influence of this wickedness must be laid at the feet of the Presbyterian Church in America. The PCA must lament and repent.”

You must know that the PCA denomination does not ordain women to be elders or pastors.  

In my opinion, the fact that a woman wrote a New York Times bestselling book that encouraged people with imagined encouragement from Jesus was probably the thing that set off the PCA more than anything.  

The PCA waited to denounce Young; they commissioned a study on the book, which will soon release its findings and recommendations.  It is a safe bet that they will distance themselves from Young's legacy and her work, denouncing it in some fashion. 

Honestly, this is what happens in denominations that steadfastly cling to wrong interpretations of the Bible concerning women in leadership and who do not take in the entirety of the Biblical witness, including that of the Apostle Paul, which they are fond of quoting whenever this issue comes up.  

To describe Jesus Calling as "wickedness" is also beyond the pale.  

As I said, the book is not my cup of tea, but I feel like this is the kind of thing that demonstrates how out of touch and benighted far too many Christians are these days.  

This is a classic case of Christians "majoring in the minors and minoring in the majors." There are far more relevant and pressing issues at stake in our culture that Christians could be speaking grace and peace to.  

Further, when these kinds of Christians do their thing, it makes all of us look bad.  

The sin of certainty is one of the most grievous sins that the Church commits, and it continues to do so without any thought to the damage done to the Gospel.  Entire generations of people are largely turning away from Christianity because of it.  This should give all of us pause to ponder.  

I'm proud to be part of a denomination that affirms and values women's gifts to lead in thought and action.  

As to the idea that a devotional book and its author could be put on trial for heresy in this day and age, Jesus words from Scripture offer some guidance: 

John said to him, “Teacher, we saw a man casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him, because he was not following us.” But Jesus said, “Do not forbid him; for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon after to speak evil of me. For he that is not against us is for us” (Mark 9:38-40).

May we learn to live more easily and less certain of our beliefs and be always open to finding new ways to connect to Christ. May we hold those beliefs loosely, ready to be transformed by the new things Jesus is doing in our midst.   

And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all, now and forever. Amen. 


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