Christma Eve Reflections

Where do I turn to when there's no choice to make? And how do I presume when there's so much at stake? I was so sure of it all - Marcus Mumford It's Christmas Eve. Perhaps more than most days of the year, today is when many of us come face to face and realize that what we believe to be true- what we desire above all--doesn't mesh with what we see around us. It's called "cognitive dissonance"-the feeling you get when you are experiencing is exactly opposite to what you believe to be true. For some of us, the feeling is a mere shiver of uneasiness, but for others, it's a full-on, constant shudder that doesn't want to go away. We know the world isn't as it should be. Not by a long shot. And there are not enough cute animal videos on Facebook to improve it. So, we retreat into our traditions, gatherings and exchanging of gifts. We may even decide to shutter our windows to what's happening "out there," or even within us, for that...